Privacy policy

Last Revised: November 26, 2019

WSYNC, a Service owned by WSYNC, (“WSYNC”, “Company”, “our”, “we” or “us”) respects the privacy of the users (“User” or “you”) of its Services and/or our website

[], and is committed to protect the personal information that its Users share with it. This Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) is intended to describe our practices regarding the information we may collect from you when you use the Services, the manners in which we may use such information, and the options and rights available to you.



Please note: you are not obligated by law to provide us with any Personal Information. You hereby acknowledge and agree that you are providing us with Personal Information at your own free will, for the purpose of providing you with the Services. You hereby agree that we may retain such Personal Information pursuant to this Privacy Policy and any applicable laws and regulations.

2. Which information we may collect on our Users?

We may collect several types of data and information from our Users:

For avoidance of doubt, any Non-Personal Information connected or linked to any Personal Information shall be deemed as Personal Information as long as such connection or linkage exists.

We do not collect any Personal Information from you or related to you without your approval, which is obtained, inter alia, through your active acceptance to the Terms and the Privacy Policy.


3. How Do We Collect Information on Our Users?

There are two main methods we use:

4. What are the Purposes of the Collection of Information?

Non-personal Information and Personal Information is collected in order to:

5. Where Do We Store Personal Information?

Information regarding the Users will be maintained, processed and stored by WSYNC and our authorized affiliates and service providers in the United States and in Israel, and as necessary, in secured cloud storage, provided by our third party service provider.

While the data protection laws in the above jurisdictions may be different than the laws of your residence or location, please know that the Company, its affiliates and service providers that store or process your Personal Information on the Company’s behalf are each committed to keep it protected and secured, pursuant to this Privacy Policy and industry standards, regardless of any lesser legal requirements that may apply in their jurisdiction.

You hereby accept the place of storage and the transfer of information as described above.

6. Non-Personal and Personal Information of Third Parties

You represents and warrant to WSYNC that you shall not make available or provide in any manner any personal information of third parties. You are responsible to company with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation, any privacy and data protection laws and regulations in connection with your end users.

You shall ensure that each of its websites and/or mobile applications contains a privacy policy that: (a) discloses the usage of third-party technology and the data collection and usage resulting from the Tracker and Services; (b) contains a conspicuous live hyperlink to an opt-out website that provides the End User the ability to opt out of interest-based advertising through the Tracker and Services; and (c) complies with all applicable privacy laws, rules and regulation, including in connection with the communication of commercial advertisements (including anti-spam). To the extent required by applicable law, rule or regulation, You shall provide WSYNC, with respect to the provision of the Services, a copy of Your privacy policy consistent with the foregoing requirements.

7. Sharing Information with Third Parties

WSYNC may share your Personal Information with third parties (or otherwise allow them access to it) only in the following manners and instances:

For the avoidance of doubt, WSYNC may share your Personal Information in additional manners, pursuant to your explicit approval, or if we are legally obligated to do so. Additionally, we may transfer, share or otherwise use Non-personal Information in our sole discretion and without the need for further approval. Additionally, WSYNC may transfer and disclose Non-personal Information to third parties at its own discretion.

8. Deletion or modification of Personal Information

If the law applicable to you grants you such rights, you may ask to access, correct, or delete your Personal Information that is stored in our systems. You may also ask for our confirmation as to whether or not we process your Personal Information.

Subject to the limitations in law, you may request that we update, correct, or delete inaccurate or outdated information. You may also request that we suspend the use of any Personal Information whose accuracy you contest while we verify the status of that data.

Subject the limitations in law, you may also be entitled to obtain the Personal Information you directly provided us (excluding data we obtained from other sources) in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and may have the right to transmit such data to another party.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, contact us at: [email protected]. When handling these requests we may ask for additional information to confirm your identity and your request. Please note, upon request to delete your Personal Information, we may retain such data in whole or in part to comply with any applicable rule or regulation and/or response or defend against legal proceedings versus us or our affiliates

To find out whether these rights apply to you and on any other privacy related matter, you can contact your local data protection authority if you have concerns regarding your rights under local law.

9. Minors

To use our Services, you must be over the age of sixteen (16). Therefore, WSYNC does not knowingly collect Personal Information from minors under the age of sixteen (16) and does not wish to do so. We reserve the right to request proof of age at any stage so that we can verify that minors under the age of sixteen (16) are not using the Services.

10. Security

We take a great care in implementing and maintaining the security of WSYNC’s Services and its User’s Personal Information. WSYNC employs industry standard procedures and policies to ensure the safety of its Users’ Personal Information, and prevent unauthorized use of any such information. However, we do not guarantee that unauthorized access will never occur.

11. Third Party Software/Service

We use certain monitoring and tracking technologies, including ones offered by Third Party Services. These technologies are used in order to maintain, provide and improve our Services on an ongoing basis, and in order to provide a better experience to our visitors and Users. For example, these technologies enable us to keep track of our Users’ preferences and authenticated sessions, to better secure our Services and detect abnormal behaviors, to identify technical issues, to provide advertising and track ad performance, for our analytics, and to monitor and improve the overall performance of our Services.

In order to delete or block any cookies, please refer to the “Help” area on your internet browser for further instructions, or You may also opt out of third party cookies by following the instructions provided by each third party in its privacy policy listed below. You can also visit these helpful resources for more information: or Please note however that deleting any of WSYNC’s cookies or disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our Services, or may otherwise adversely affect your user experience.

12. Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing: You hereby agree that we may use your contact details provided during registration, for the purpose of informing you regarding our products and Services which may interest you, and to send to you other marketing material. You may withdraw your consent via sending a written notice to WSYNC by email to the following address: [[email protected]] or by pressing the “Unsubscribe” button in the mail.

Please note that the Company may also contact you with important information regarding our Services. For example, we may notify you (through any of the means available to us) of changes or updates to our Services, payment issues, service maintenance, etc. You will not be able to opt-out of receive such service messages.

13. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The terms of this Privacy Policy are un-separated part of the Services and will govern the use of the Services and any Information collected therein, the Privacy Policy should not be separated in any way from WSYNC’s Terms of Use. WSYNC reserves the right to change this policy at any time, so please re-visit this page frequently. We will notify you regarding substantial changes of this Privacy Policy by changing the link to the Privacy Policy in the Service and/or by sending you an e-mail regarding such changes to the e-mail address that you provided during registration. Such substantial changes will take effect seven (7) days after such notice was provided on our Services or sent by email. Otherwise, all other changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” date and your continued use of the Services after the Last Revised date will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.

14. General

This Privacy Policy, its interpretation, and any claims and disputes related hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Israel, without respect to its criminal law principles. Any and all such claims and disputes shall be brought in, and you hereby consent to them being litigated in and decided exclusively by a court of competent jurisdiction located in Larnaca, Cyprus.

This Privacy Policy was written in English, and may be translated into other languages for your convenience. If a translated (non-English) version of this Privacy Policy conflicts in any way with the English version, the provisions of the English version shall prevail.

15. Have any Questions?

If you have any questions (or comments) concerning this Privacy Policy, you are welcome to send us an email at: [[email protected]] and we will make an effort to reply within a reasonable timeframe.

By contacting the Company you warrant and agree that you are free to do so, and that you do not provide WSYNC with information which violate any third party intellectual rights (the “Information”). Without degrading from the aforesaid, all rights, including intellectual property, arising from the communication will be owned by the Company and will be considered as WSYNC’ confidential material. It is clarified that any use of the Information, will be done in the sole discretion of the Company, and the Company is not obligated to use all or part of this Information.

16. Contacts


[email protected]